Category: Poems

  • Hiking and Depression

    Hiking is a form of outdoor exercise that involves walking through natural landscapes, such as mountains, forests, and valleys. This activity not only provides physical benefits but also positively impacts mental health, especially depression. Depression is a mental health condition that affects people’s mood, thoughts, and behavior, making it challenging to carry out daily activities.…

  • Sunrise Hike

    Sunrise HikeBy David Newberger As the sun begins to rise,And paint the sky with vivid dyes,We lace our boots, prepare to hike,And leave behind the world we like. We step into the woods so green,A beauty that can’t be unseen.The rustling leaves, the chirping birds,All nature’s music, without words. We walk in silence, lost in…

  • An Endless Hike

    An Endless Hike By David Newberger Amidst the mountains and the trees so tall,I embarked upon a journey, with no end at all.A hike of self-discovery, a quest to find my way,To understand the depths within me, and what I had to say. The path ahead was steep and long,But I felt a sense of…

  • Hiking through the Darkness of the mind

    In the darkness of the night,The hiker struggled with all might,Fighting demons of the mind,A battle of the heart and kind. With every step, a heavyweight,The journey seemed to seal his fate,But determination kept him strong,And moving forward, all day long. The trail was rough and steep and long,And doubts and fears kept singing a…